First Name: Arthur
Last Name: Dietz
Email: xforgecraftco@gmail.com
Phone Number: 2703190500
Mailing Address: 636 Legacy Ct. Apt 10
Website: https://www.facebook.com/XForgeCC?mibextid=ZbWKwL
Type Of Art: Visual arts
Genre Of Art: 3D Printing: sculptures, props, and multi media creations
Activities: Commissions, Volunteer Opportunities, Jobs, Teaching, Exhibitions, Art Sales, Festivals
3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a revolutionary technology that allows for the creation of three-dimensional objects from a digital design. Iinvolves building up the object layer by layer, using materials like plastics, resins, metals, and composite. 3D printing has opened up exciting new possibilities for artists, allowing them to create intricate sculptures, complex geometries, and personalized pieces that were previously impossible to achieve with traditional methods.