First Name: Richard
Last Name: Wilson
Email: richard@richardwilsonart.com
Phone Number: 252-314-2942
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2341, Greenville NC 27836
Website: https://richardwilsonart.com
Type Of Art: Visual arts
Genre Of Art: Fine Art, Painting, Drawing, Mixed Media, Custom Framing, Print Publishing, Graphic Design
Activities: Commissions, Performance Bookings, Volunteer Opportunities, Jobs, Teaching, Exhibitions, Art Sales, Festivals
testMy art is a blend of figurative & landscape works that are nostalgic, and inspired by my optimism and pride of my culture with inspiring and aspirational images from high achievers and icons to historic figures. I've been honored with more than 150 local, national, and international awards through out my art career. I was recently recognized by the Wall Street Journal as "one the most successful artist that you’re likely to meet". See full bio at www.richardwilsonart.com