First Name: Jean
Last Name: Sokolofski
Email: mjsokolo@yahoo.com
Phone Number: 2527021176
Mailing Address: 163 Lismore Drive
Type Of Art: Visual arts
Genre Of Art: Hand Crafted Card & Shadowbox Frames
Activities: Commissions, Volunteer Opportunities, Exhibitions, Art Sales, Festivals
Created By Jean - Designs greeting cards and shadowbox frames, as well as scrap books. The majority are whimsical, sarcastic, funny, or even a serious side. The frames and cards can be commissioned in multiples for events and given as company achievement or rewards. The ideas can be used to celebrate hobbies, your pets,weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, sports, graduations and standards such as birthdays, mothers or fathers day, Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, or special events.