First Name: Wayne
Last Name: Heiser
Email: bestcareerchoice@yahoo.com
Phone Number: 2527021176
Mailing Address: 163 Lismore Drive
Type Of Art: Visual arts
Genre Of Art: Mixed Media
Activities: Commissions, Art Sales, Festivals
Found & RePurposed - Takes found objects such as doors, chairs, lamps, windows, sports equipment or personal item of the customer to repurpose them into a one-of-a-kind shelves, benches and lamps. Some of the more unusual creations include an outboard engine made into a table lamp, a sled made into shelves, a birdhouse mounted on a shovel, crutches made into shelves, wooden cigar boxes made into lamps, assorted books made into lamps, hockey sticks, snow skis and water skis made into shelves.