First Name: Gabrielle
Last Name: Freeman
Email: freeman.gabrielle@gmail.com
Phone Number: 2522585369
Mailing Address: 2228 Chauncey Lane, Greenville, NC 27834
Website: https://gabriellebrantfreeman.squarespace.com/
Type Of Art: Literary arts
Genre Of Art: poetry, painting, drawing, singing
Activities: Commissions, Performance Bookings, Volunteer Opportunities, Jobs, Teaching, Exhibitions, Art Sales, Festivals
I am a poet, artist, singer, and teacher. My first book of poetry, When She Was Bad, was published by Press 53 in 2016, and my poems have been published in many journals. I enjoy painting, drawing, photography, and working on multimedia projects. My voice type is mezzo-soprano. I have been teaching for the past twenty years at the high school, community college, and college levels. I currently teach writing at ECU.