First Name: Angel
Last Name: Rypkema
Email: angelsartographyforsale@gmail.com
Phone Number: 2529177314
Mailing Address: Greenville NC
Website: https://angelsartographyforsale.com
Type Of Art: Visual arts
Genre Of Art: Photography-wood designs-author
Activities: Commissions, Art Sales, Festivals
Photographer since 2010 and self-published author in 2016. My passion is landscape photography and converting images to HDR. I use photoshop elements and some lightroom software for enhancements. I've written two books search my name in Amazon for more information. One is a book of photos I took on a trip to Capture all seven NC lighthouses. I have a home studio waiting for clients. Summer 2017, I began putting some of my images onto wood milled by my husband. See website for more.