First Name: Nelle
Last Name: Hayes
Email: nellesplace.theartroom@gmail.com
Phone Number: 252-341-4119
Mailing Address: 403 Evans Street - by appointment only
Website: https://www.facebook.com/The-Art-Room-192477337445752/?fref=mentions
Type Of Art: Visual arts
Genre Of Art: Painting/Drawing/Ceramics/Mixed Media
Activities: Commissions, Art Sales
A maker who enjoys working creatively with a variety of media and techniques. Love for modeling can be seen in works completed in every media. With clay; patterns of color, texture and metallic bling brings a bit of folkish flair. Modeling with charcoal, paint and mixed media, on the other hand can yield expressively modeled realistic images. People, pets, florals and folk patterning appear repeatedly and so could be considered favorite subjects, all of which are fashioned with love.