First Name: Charlene
Last Name: Woolard
Email: waterflybooks@gmail.com
Phone Number: 252-412-6117
Mailing Address: PO Box 1393 Winterville, NC 28590
Website: http://www.waterflystudios.com
Type Of Art: Visual arts
Genre Of Art: Illustration, Author, Graphic Design, Fine Arts, Photography
Activities: Commissions, Volunteer Opportunities, Jobs, Teaching, Exhibitions, Art Sales
Charlene is the owner/creative director of WaterFly Studios. She specializes in Event Packages for kids & weddings. Her offered works includes painted commissions, published children's picture books, wedding invitations, greeting cards, stationery, and photography. She donates books & gift packages to youths and businesses that support youths, along with volunteering her time and art works to support non-profit organizations.